
Read our latest blog...

Helpful tips and advice to keep your body healthy

in our blogs so far we’ve covered practically every aspect of our daily lives and its effect on back pain – from dog walking and shopping to carrying children and even vacuuming.Now we're going to talk about the birds and the bees...

As our lives continue to become busier and we place more and more pressure upon ourselves to meet the strains of daily life, we are turning into a nation of over worked, over stressed and over stimulated individuals.

You get all the taste of key lime pie without all the work put into making a pie, and without the calories. 

Mums and dads are being urged not to allow their toddlers to use a baby walker and not to leave their babies in car baby seats when outside of the car.

When it comes to predicting the weather, many of our patients are experts –their joints start to ache and back and neck pain seems to worsen. It sounds like an old wives tale that aches and pains get worse when a storm is approaching

Bedtime – to every parent it’s the best time of the day. But the words ‘Mummy can I sleep with you tonight please?’ can cause disaster.

Making changes to our own diet is hard, getting kids to change their habits can be like getting blood out of a stone. At Chiropractic First we like a challenge

Emma has written us a fantastic poem about headaches, what causes them and how best to deal with them.  

As we get older we tend to take more notice of our body - often it can be too late, we always advise an ounce of prevention rather than a pound of cure. We have a quick test to find out if your hip needs a pound of replacement. 

With 8 hours sleep under my belt I can take on the world, there is fire in my belly and I am ready to make change in people lives. If I have a disturbed night, I'm a different animal. My focus is gone, my clarity of thinking is dampened, my get up and go is gone.


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Chiropractic First
Peppercorn Walk,
Grimsby, DN36 5DQ


Telephone: 01472 488082


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