Chiropractor Gavin Young says “Chiropractic First, Pills Second, Surgery Last”. The latest research shows diclafenac can cause some serious problems, read more about it here.
The sacroiliac joint is an incredibly important part of the spine. The sacroiliac joint is at the heart of the pelvis and the pelvis is the foundations of the spine.
Sciatica is brutal – no other way to describe it, I’ve seen grown men cry with the pain – but what is sciatica?

Many people who spend most of their day sitting down - recent research shows this can have a detrimental effect on your body
Sciatica is a common form of lower back pain, but........ It;s not an actual "thing". The term Sciatica is often misunderstood or poorly explained to patients.
You've over done it - now your suffering with low back. What do you do? Hopefully we can point you in the right direction so you don't do any more damage!
Apart from the common cold, what ailment results in the loss of the most working days in Britain each year, forcing five million people to consult their doctor? The answer is ‘Back pain.’ As always prevention is better than cure, and with that in mind here are some general rules that will help to reduce the likelihood of back pain occurring.
Everybody knows the foundations of a house are really important. The foundations provide a supporting structure for everything above it. If the foundations of a house aren't right, then everything you build on top of those foundations is going to have problems.